Well, I finished the first Noro Jaywalker.
I've had a bit of a cough, which has been a slight deterrent, but I'm really pleased to have finished the first sock of the pair. Better yet, after hearing "But are they going to match?" for two weeks straight, and only responding that I wouldn't do much work to ensure they did (hey, they're quirky) I can finally say... YES THE PAIR WILL MATCH!!!
I must admit, I was apathetic before about the possibility, but I'm pretty thrilled that they'll match now that I'm sure it will happen. Thank you, Noro, for figuring out just about how much yarn I would use per sock and thank you for making such addictive sock yarn. I'm really very pleased.
Additionally, despite the controversy that's followed me ever since that green was visible on the ball (after the whole ball appearing to be purple, blue and gray), my labmates are now pleased with the colors of the sock. Of course, regardless of their whims, I have loved them all along because they're Noro and they're mine.
I also broke a size 1 dpn this week (mysteriously... at work the needles were fine, get home and one looks like a snapped toothpick) but I have been making do with four 1's and one 2. However, my lab mates and I are going on a yarn run tomorrow so I'll buy another set and promise myself I'll be more careful. This yarn run is necessary because I taught our visiting student from Holland how to knit last week and now she wants real yarn to start a real project with needles all her own! She's taken to the needles like a fish to water and I couldn't be happier; I told her she needs to start socks before she leaves in July but we'll see.
If you haven't spread the joy of knitting, I highly recommend it. Sure, you'll get a few rejections (see the previous post about Our New Friend) and a few who sit for a lesson or two but never pick up the needles again. However, when you get that one person who really takes to it and loves it like you do... it's like knitting magic.
P.S. Our New Friend approached me yesterday to tell me that she sees now that knitting really is back and how she saw Martha knitting on her show and how cool she thought that was. I think she sees us all knitting during our breaks and wants in on the conversations only knitters can share. Either way, I'll show her the way if she asks really nicely. You can't say knitting turns people into losers and expect me to be enthusiastic about your sudden interest.